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Lasers in Surgery and Medicine

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, the Society's official journal, is the most prestigious and widely circulated peer reviewed scientific journal dedicated to basic and applied aspects of laser therapy and diagnosis.

The Journal publishes clinical as well as basic science reports and is important reading for clinicians who wish to stay abreast of the most recent scientific developments in biomedical laser applications, as well as researchers investigating laser/tissue interaction, new laser techniques and/or technology. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine appears eleven times each year, including an abstract issue for the ASLMS Annual Conference.

Бесплатный выпуск -февраль 2012 (лечение гемангиом, телеангиэктазий, фототермолиз, применение лазеров при лентиго, невусах, меланоме и т.д.)


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